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Pornstars / Lexi Grey
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Two College Girls Late on their Rent
Eliza Eves , Lexi Grey

I had a feeling letting Lexi Grey and Eliza Eves stay at my rental property in NYC would be a bad Idea, but it didn't turn out to be so bad after all. They're both in college and neither of them have jobs so of course there's always excuses when it's time to pick up my money for rent. But this last time...

I caught Lexi Grey Stealing from me
Lexi Grey

I left out the house one day and one i got back i noticed that some of my weed was missing. The only other person that was home was my roomates girlfriend lexi. I confronted her about smoking my weed and the bitch had the nerve to fucking lie to me! I couldn't believe this hoe was really sitting here...